This is free speech:

Putin is a war-criminal

and a dictator

People of Russia - rise, please, against his tyranny. It is obvious, that you are subject to oppression: if you talk about Russia invading Ukraine as a war: you risk up to 15 years of jail! Now, that kind of makes it hard to talk freely to anyone about what is really going on, right? And you are not allowed to talk about it as a war, an attack or an invasion. Really - it is all of these 3 things.  Putin is killing a lot of people - all because of his vanity!! He wants to be big in history! Well - you made it Putin, you will be named along side Hitler and Stalin - as an evil man! You made it - congratulations to Rat King Putin.

And Russians - remember to put down Medvedev too. He is even more crazy than putin, and he will also use atomic weapons without thinking - because he is stupid and arrogant.

News Flash: Americans on the brink of re-electing Trump!

Really? Are americans unable to tell that Trump is psychically ill? He suffers from a multitude of psychic disorders. Anyone - everyone can see it! Americans apparently not? Trump will start world war 3 not because he want's to, but because he is unable to foresee qonsequences of his actions, because he only reacts, does not think, and he reacts in the context of what is good for him, his family and his personal wealth. He is not in it for the americans - Trump is in it for Trump! Even his voters know that. The reason they vote for the shit-bag, is that they don't want to vote for the other side. And the american political system is just a nudge more democratic than the russian. The russians can vote (or rather they can't because the election is rigged by Putin, he is a dictator - and nobody that threatens him in popularity is allowed to the ballot - only to the prison or the tainted umbrella - or just out the window - a very popular-putin-solution), the russians can vote for 1 party only, the election is a scam.

Now, the americans really are a lot better: the election is NOT rigged (although we all know Yellow-hair tried to manipulate others to cheat), but there is always only 2 parties to choose from, and the persons to vote for is so old, they have a foot in the grave already. This is because of the way the candidates rise in the two parties. Two possibilities!! Only 2. Old ones.

And the americans? Yes, I'm afraid they are too stupid to look beyond. They think their way of election is either granted by an evasive old man in the skies (whom nobody has ever seen) or that the system is a natural law. Which of course it isn't. Change it you say? Well, that'l take a lot of time. Decades.

Muslim Rage about burning of a book

Now what is behind that rage, that anger? why are muslims so uptight about the burning of some paper with a little ink on it?

I will tell you why - and muslims should really listen in here:

The reason muslims react so forcefully, are because they are the lowest in the chain of command - with the highest being their priests, their Imams etc. 

What do I mean by that? Well, If the imams/priests did not agitate their followers and inspire hate and violence, then they would loose their power, wouldn't they? Just like christian priests have lost power and influence. In the western countries, where intellect and money rules, the priests have all but lost influence and power.

Muslim priests/imams see that. They want to stay in power. They agitate their followers, tell them they have been hurt when somebody burns a book!

Well, really? They are grown-ups? They are not half-apes, they are humans? They can think?

Then why do they give a fuck if somebody burns a book?

Ohh - its so holy to me, they say, - I feel humiliated and desecrated, feel like you are ruining my life,  buhuu buhuu , can't you see I'm crying?

Now, a muslim burned my countrys flag, and said: "now you can feel the pain"!

I was almost laughing my ass off: really , you can burn my flag, you can piss on it and shit on it, you can burn the bible and wipe your ass with the pages, come on, I'm a grown man - I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK - I DON'T CARE !!! 

Oh but you don't believe in a religion, you don't understand how it is for us, you say. Again I say: grow up, open your eyes, your feelings are your own - keep them to yourself - I do not impose my feelings on you, do I? 

I do not bomb and threaten, or cut teachers throats! I am a grown up!

And really: your religion: men get 40 women, every day when they are good muslims and die, and next day they are virgins again? What kind of a sick little dream from a fat little pimpled and ugly boy is that?  That boy never had a woman - does not respect women. THAT boy became a priest/Imam! Its so easy to see through, but nobody dares to speak the truth. But here it is!!

So incredibly childish!

Democracy will be the foundation of a new Humanity

Every day we hear about the apparently everlasting economic crisis. It seems that economics is not a science, or else wouldn’t we have gotten the recipe for the perfect society by now?

A country is a business, like a firm. And the planet is a super business, a super-firm.

Would you just let your firm drift, with no control, no plans? Well, would you?

It seems that the liberals are proposing just that. And why? Of course, because they are the ones profiting on the current state of things, this time of humanitys child-economic-days. It will not stand the test of time. All human beings with just a little common sense is able to conclude that.

The goal of this site is to explore what is the means, and what is the way ahead, using just one tool: common sense. Nothing else.

That rules out all the -isms: capitalism, communism, liberalism, socialism etc.

So what are we left with? Democracy!

All over the world (except places where people are not yet too bright or educated) democracy is viewed as the most important fundamental right.

And not without cause. Think about it! Think about history – learn from history!

Then we are ready to prepare the strategy for a better future for all…

Erdogan is a joke 

This Erdogan character in Turkey,

He has  this boy-childish attitude which would be hilariously funny, if not for the fact that he is not a cartoon character, but supposedly a president, albeit a very very bad one ;-)

He has had thousinds of people indited for offending him. Thousinds!! 

Obviously, little Erdogan, suffers from under-mediocrity-complex ;-) after all, the man looks hideously ugly, his character is ugly, his actions are ugly, He desperately wants everybody to "respect" him, but the only way he can do that is by bullying people into submission.

Little Erdogan is stuck in the school yard. Where little boys, would want their peers to bow to him and pay him their respects.


Little Erdogan is still very little, he does not understand virtue, dignity, democracy, human rights etc.

What little Erdogan understands is the law of the big ape. He is an ape (we alle are apes, right ;-) only stupid people can't see that), and he has the power, because he has been elected (u got what u deserve..;-) and now little Erdogan can rule his little kingdom. And if you disrepect little Erdogan, you get put to jail. 

Oh - and did you all look at his neck? Do you see the resemblance? The bird, the turkey, and Erdogan. They have the same neck ;-) ;-) And even the eyes, he has the eyes of a turkey don't he? Yes , the head of Turkey is looking very much like a turkey :-) that IS hilariously funny, right ;-) Now - that is an insult Turkey man - because WE SO DO NOT LIKE YOU - and you speak like a pumped up bird, with your bulging eyes, like a turkey rooster on a dump. Why don't you just retire old man - you are gonna die real soon anyway. Age will take you as it does us all - and history will be your judge - and you will go down down down...

Wow - I'm so happy I live in another country which have freedom of speech and democracy.

Well, history will give him the baddest reviews, he is in bed with Trump (the all time and with no competition worst president ever in the US), Djengis Khan and Winnie the Pooh from China ;-) (Yes the resemblance IS striking right, except ofc from the fact that Winnie the Pooh is much more human, and would have liked open free internet and freedom of speech etc....)

                                                                                                                                                                              ...very bad people all of them...

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